Sunday, July 18, 2010

Jennifer Weiner: In The Flesh

I'm fairly certain I've shared with you my love of Jennifer Weiner and her books. Ever since I read her first book, Good In Bed, I've been a huge fan. I can't put those books down. I'll read them in a day and wish there was more to digest. The last new book she came out with was Best Friends Forever, which my mom and I both enjoyed (as she shares my love for Jennifer Weiner). As I was walking through Barnes and Noble the other day, I came across a poster promoting her newest book, Fly Away Home. Hooray! New reading material. Of course, I'll have to wait for it to come out in paperback before I can get it, but I do have something even more exciting to share: On August 2nd, Jennifer will be signing books at a bookstore in Pasadena. Color me stoked! Finally I get to meet her in person. Yes, that's right, she's a rock star to me. What about it?

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