Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Celebrity Wrap Up - Friday Edition

Hello and welcome to Friday's Hot Guy edition of Celebrity Wrap Up. While I desperately want to rag on his pointy hairstyle, I'm afraid that I take one look at those baby blues and forget what I was thinking about..... There's nothing I like better than seeing pictures of my favorite stars from my favorite shows wearing the exact same outfits they're wearing in their pictures with me. Yowsa. When did Matt Damon switch bodies with The Incredible Hunk? Yum. Ah, Matthew Mc-con-a-hottie. Thank you for, once again, living up to your much deserved name. You are one fine, fine man.
Brad Pitt, I love you so. How I missed you on Monday I'll never know. Once again, thank you for shaving your dreaded facial hair. The world is still rejoicing.

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