Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The Radio is Disturbing

Mental note: When driving back and forth in traffic, please find a CD, an iPod, ANYTHING to listen to that doesn't involve actually listening to the radio. It's bad enough that every other channel involves some sort of Mexican Fiesta music, but lately all the talking is just disturbing. The other day a commercial was on for McDonald's wherein the lady said she had to run because she was meeting the girls out for a night on the town at McDonald's. Um, let's try that again. No one in their right minds would choose to go to McD's for a girl's night. Don't get me wrong, I'm a fan of the franchise, but a girl's night? Big fail. The only time that'd happen was if they had Bradley Cooper there and he was serving french fries from his chest. I could get on board with that girl's night. Tonight John Tesh (don't judge me) was talking about the mortality rate of children dying in the car from being trapped in the heat is the highest it's ever been. The reason the parents give for leaving their children in the car? THEY FORGOT THEM. Now, granted, I don't have any kids myself, but I'm guessing if I did have them and I came home from the store, I'd be unbuckling my child long before I brought in the groceries. But, that's just me. Probably a silly notion that I wouldn't want my child sitting in a car where it's 150 degrees within half an hour. WTF?!?!

1 comment:

  1. I am done with the Radio. That is sad because I love Danny B. show in LA. In my old age I can not handle it.
