Monday, July 12, 2010

American Girl Dolls = Terrifying

While we were at The Grove the other day, Lanette wanted to stop in the American Girl Doll store to find something for her daughter. Now, I've been somewhat exposed to these dolls, after having nieces who own them, but I'll admit to not understanding the whole crazy phenomenon that is the American Girl Doll. This store was INSANE. First of all, it had three stories. Yes, that's right, three stories for a doll store. Second of all, it had a hospital. For dolls. Third, it had a cafe where you could attach the dolls to the table so they could "eat" with you. And, finally, they had clothes you could buy for your child which would match the clothes the dolls were wearing.While I did have dolls growing up, I've always been rather scared of any type of porcelain doll. They creep me out. Perhaps I'm having bad flashbacks from taking my mom's favorite Jenny doll to school for Show and Tell when I was in first grade and forgetting her on the slide (fail), or maybe it's because there are far too many movies where the dolls come to life and kill people, but I don't like them. I'm fairly certain I wouldn't have wanted to dress like my doll and make my mom buy $20 shoes to put on a doll. But, who knows. Maybe I would. I can't fault these girls for being insane. I mean, whoever created this whole craze was a genius. A very, very rich genius. Perhaps I'm just jealous.

1 comment:

  1. I'm going to get you one that looks like you so you can dress her up in pink everyday.
