Thursday, July 8, 2010

A/C? When? Where?

So, apparently I failed to relay the story to you regarding my oh-so-fun adventure in the moving truck. While I'm still amazed that I made it safely and in one piece, the real mystery is how I didn't die of heatstroke. You see, for some reason unknown to me (the blonde roots, perhaps?) I failed to notice that my vehicle did, in fact, have A/C. Duh. Of course, I didn't realize this until we were in Mesquite, NV (or what felt like the outer layer of the sun) and I was sweating like a whore in church. My niece, bless her heart, didn't feel a thing. She was fine as fine could be. Me on the other hand? Not fine. Not happy. Not wanting to do anything but bathe in a cold bath filled with ice. Thank goodness I found the A/C before I melted away. Now that wouldn't have been pretty. On a side note, I took this picture with my iPhone as we entered California. Hooray! Yes, I know I've got some mad photography skills.

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