This morning I had the opportunity to go to Max's graduation from his summer Pre-K class. It was a super cute little presentation and all the kids were awarded with crowns, sang several songs, and had to tell everyone what their favorite color was and what they wanted to be when they grew up. A few of my favorite answers for the favorite animal: A baby jaguar, a duckling, and a T-Rex. My favorite answers for the future jobs were: Superman, paint houses, and sell donuts. The girl who picked selling donuts as her future career confused her parents. I thought perhaps they owned a donut shop, but no. She just really enjoys donuts.
Max and Phoenix after the presentation.
Erin and her adorable kids. Can you believe how grown up Spenser is looking these days? His voice is even starting to change. I'm not sure why that is, though, since according to my brain he's only three.

Max and one of his three favorite people in class (not surprisingly, all three were cute little girls), Kalea. She's the one who wants to sell donuts. She also passed a note to Max yesterday that said "Kalea + Max" and then four hearts. Wow, I guess they're starting early these days.

Auntie and the kids. Tomorrow we're all going down to Hollywood for the day to do some exploring. Should be fun!