Thursday, June 24, 2010

Things That Make Me Go Hmmmm.....

In addition to the chaos that is my life right now, I've had some strange things going on that have caused me pause. Yesterday I had a dentist's appointment. Blech. While I won't regale you with the torrid details of the annoying hygienist ("Stop by and see us when you come back to town." Yeah, not going to happen), I will let you know what was going through my mind the entire time. Why are those stupid x-rays SO uncomfortable and unpleasant? I swear they cut up my entire mouth. I don't understand how we can put a man on the moon, but we can't figure out how to make x-rays more user-friendly. And - the most important question of all - why, oh why, is the switch that takes the x-rays SO FAR AWAY?!!? They can't have a remote for that? Seriously, have there been no advancements in this area since I was a child? They wouldn't be so treacherous if it wasn't for the ten foot walk to the switch. Fail.
The other day I was parking my car and noticed a figure standing to the right of me. I glanced over, wondering why they were so close, and as soon as the man saw me, he thrust out his hand as if to ask for change. Um, really? Is begging really so common that we no longer have to even ask? Just walk up to someone and stick out your hand? Perhaps I should try that.See, if he'd just had this sign, I might've given him some change. Just be creative; that's all I ask.As I left the restaurant last night, I was taking the escalator downstairs when it suddenly STOPPED and I was almost thrown on my head. However, the other escalator (going up) had no such problem. Why would an escalator just stop? Luckily I was grabbing the rail when it happened, so I was able to stay upright, but my arm is paying for it today. Who's responsible for such a terrible act? Don't they know I almost died?

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