Friday, June 11, 2010

SNL + Pinky Lovejoy = TLF

McH was mentioning to me that she wasn't aware with my true love forever for David Spade and I had to explain to her that it wasn't so much David Spade as it is anything Saturday Night Live - although particularly the era that starred Spade, Farley, Sandler, Schneider, Rock, Nealon, and MacDonald. I've watched SNL as long as I can remember (and still do, even though I end up fast-forwarding most of the skits) and it's my dream to one day visit the set and watching a show. I've been fortunate to meet several cast members and each one makes me deliriously happy. Behold, my collection thus far: My very first encounter with anyone from SNL was Rachel Dratch at Sundance about five years ago. I saw her standing there while I was waiting in line for a party and left the line to get a picture. When I came back to the line and told my friend, "I just met Rachel Dratch!!!" he was mortified that I'd made such an announcement, as it was an industry party and I wasn't being cool. Oh, well. I was excited! Since then I've seen her everywhere at of these days I'll ask for another pic.
The next member of SNL I met was Chris Kattan as he was walking past my chair at Sundance last year. As soon as I spotted him I jumped up and asked for a picture and he kindly agreed. Love him. It was at the same screening I saw Chris Kattan where I met Kristin Wiig. She starred in the film and was walking to her car after the film when I called her name and she walked over for the picture. She was incredibly nice.Bill Hader was also in the movie with Kristin (it was called Adventureland) and he came over to greet the fans afterwards as well. Super nicey.I'm sure we all remember my excitement at meeting Norm MacDonald last year, as I feared he'd be a douchebag and surprisingly was a total sweetheart. I *may* have developed a wee bit of a crush on him.Kevin Nealon came to Utah the next month and I was lucky enough to get a picture with him in the foyer before his show. He's SO funny.Jim Breuer, aka Goat Boy, came out to perform in Salt Lake last month and was awesome about taking pictures with everyone.
Last, but certainly not least, I met David Spade on Monday after waiting outside Jimmy Kimmel for him to walk out (see, I told you I'd find a way to feature this picture all week). Although I could do without his silly face, I love that you can see my arm around him. See, we're a hot stuff couple. Ha! :)

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