Monday, June 21, 2010

Pinky's Fandance - Adam Carolla

Adam Carolla came to SLC to perform at the local comedy club. True confession time: I didn't actually go to the show. I know, I know, I'm a slack, but it was like $35 and I really just wanted to get a picture. I was afraid (incorrectly, it turned out) that, due to his on-air douchey personality, he was going to be a jerk. I'm happy to report that he was the nicest guy ever. I drove to the club as his show was getting out and looked to see if he was doing pictures in the lobby. When I didn't see him out there, I went behind the club to see if I could find him coming out. Instead, what I saw was a myriad of people walking out a door and then immediately checking their cameras....which led me to take a closer look. Lo and behold, Adam was in the "green room" and anyone who wanted to meet him, get an autograph, or get a picture, could wait in a line and get one. Awesome. Needless to say, I stood in line, got my picture, and then he thanked me for coming out. Um, you're welcome. Hooray for nice Adam!

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