Friday, June 25, 2010

Peter Facinelli = TRIPLE WIN

You may or may not have heard that those crazed Twi-hards have been camped out in Hollywood since Monday in anticipation of the Eclipse premiere last night. That's right, I said in several days ago. I mentioned they were crazypants, right?How freaking cool is it that Peter Facinelli (who plays Dr. Cullen) and a few other cast members went over to the area the Twi-hards were camped and took pictures and signed autographs on their own time?!?!? Two thumbs WAY up for that. Very impressed. Of course, I already knew of Peter's dreaminess from our recent encounter. Jennie Garth is one lucky woman. Definitely not dreamy? Why is R-Patz making this lame face? If this was my picture, I'd make him re-do it for sure. Fail.

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