Friday, June 25, 2010

Packing: Day 4,389

I have to admit that going into this weekend I was quite fearful of the task at hand, as packing up the Pink Palace was no small chore to say the least. To my surprise, my fear was all for naught, as I'm the luckiest girl on earth to be related to these amazing women: My sister and my mom (and step-dad, who hates to be photographed) came into my chaos and took no prisoners. I had no idea they were all such guerilla packers, but my goodness! My jaw practically dropped watching them in action. Were it not for them, I'd be living like this my entire life:Unfortunately, I didn't take "before and after" pictures, but I'm fairly certain you didn't want to see the before. Words couldn't even describe the horror.The boxes behind us are just a few of the stacks and stacks and stacks (did I mention stacks??) of boxes/tubs/suitcases scattered about my house. My mom brought over 40 boxes and moving supplies and I thought it was way too many. Yeah, I was wrong. I wouldn't be surprised if we used every last one.Apparently certain items come into my house and multiply, because we found hair clips, scrunchies, pens, tampons (WTF???), and bags. Lots of bags. Ooodles of bags. So many bags, in fact, that I should be called the old pink lady who lives in her bags. Seriously, there were like 974 bags scattered around my place. How does one person accumulate that many bags? I knew I had a penchant for them, but 974? Really? HUGE THANKS to my family for their help. I couldn't have done it in a million years without you. I'm eternally grateful to you as well as my friends who've been so willing to help and pitch in. THANK YOU!!!!

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