Tuesday, June 22, 2010

An Open Letter To Comcast

Dear (no, wait - I don't want to address you in such a fashion)...Yo, Comcast: I'd just like to let you know for the 149th time how displeased I am with your service and, specifically, your customer service. It sucks. After approximately 457 calls to your company to resolve the billing issue I have after being without service for two weeks, I'm still trying to find that one person who might be intelligent enough to figure it out. Or speak English. Either way. So far I've called you, I mean India, 456 times and guess what? They have NO idea how to help people. Apparently there's no record that I called when it initially went out (despite the repairman telling me that Comcast was responsible for turning my service off due to a wiring problem), so for some reason you're unable to credit me. Really? Really? I mean, come on. Why am I being punished for someone in India being lazy and not documenting my call? How is that my fault? As I was sick of the runaround on the phone, I tried to email, but that's just a bigger joke. Why do you even offer the option to email if all you're going to say is, "We're sorry you're not satisfied. Please call this number. Oh, and by the way, may we offer you some other piece of garbage?" I've never been given this much runaround in my life. And trying to pitch me in the middle of an apology email? NOT COOL. I'm so glad I'll be moving soon and will no longer have to deal with your inability to provide any amount of customer satisfaction. I hate you and your shoddy network. The End, Pinky Lovejoy


  1. I am so with you on this one. The only reason I haven't given up on them completely is because my brother works for them.

  2. See, and I don't understand people's hate for Comcast. I've been with them and other companies and I've NEVER had a problem with Comcast. When we got our new cable they were out THE SAME DAY!. What other company does that? lol And they are much cheaper than other companies as well. Also, internet service is much better. Maybe I'm the odd one out but I love Comcast.

    Sorry you're having troubles though. Do I need to go sweet talk them...with my boobs?!

  3. Hi there!

    Mark Casem here from Comcast! ::)

    I decided to post and extend y apologies for the trouble you are experiencing with our company. I'd like to offer my help in getting the problems resolved. If you don't mind, please feel free to contact me so I can assist.

    Mark Casem
    Comcast Corp.
    National Customer Operations
