Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Let The Farewell Tour Begin....

Yesterday I was treated to a delicious farewell lunch at Training Table by my old Purchasing co-workers. In case you haven't had Training Table, you're missing out. It is yummy delish! We had a great time chatting and hanging out. I miss those girls.

The next few days are also packed with farewell lunches and one farewell dinner tomorrow night. Perhaps I can call this my birthday week redux, as I was too sick to enjoy any of the fun meals.

As for the packing....well, it's coming along. I still can't sleep, so that's not helping. I feel like a walking zombie. My dear friend Debra (aka The Master Organizer) came over last night and helped with the packing project. The irony is that when I moved in I was completely overwhelmed at unpacking and Debra came over and whipped it all into shape. She's amazing.

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