Wednesday, June 16, 2010

How Did I Get Here?

And now, boys and girls, it's time for the story of Pinky's journey to Salt Lake City. You see, for many years I moved back and forth between California and Utah, eventually ending up on the California coast after my summer spent in Italy. I'd recently gotten divorce and had my whole life in front of me. What would I do? Where would I go? Where did I fit in the world?

Enter my longtime friend, Jenny, who I've known since we were very little. She lived in Salt Lake and encouraged me to come out. In fact, my big dream was to work for the Sundance Film Festival, so I applied online and hoped for the best. Had I not been hired, my other plan was to move to Italy permanently and live near my cute boy Filip (but that's another story). At the time my siblings all lived in Provo, so moving here was quite desirable. While I was visiting, September 11, 2001 happened and I was stuck here for a bit. During that time I interviewed for Sundance and got hired in the Special Events department. Jenny offered to let me stay with her and her family in Sandy, Utah, and it was decided. I was moving to Utah again, at least until February. So, I packed up my car (yes, everything fit in one car) and was on my way.... Just for laughs, this is a picture from Jenny's first wedding - how do you like my Ogilve home perm? Don't be jealous.Looking back now, it's amazing to me that I could've gone somewhere else and never met the people who are so near and dear to my heart now. One of the very first people I met at Sundance was Miss Vick, who worked in my same department. We were instant friends and spent most of the time laughing and having fun (despite the other stick-in-the-muds in our office).The next person I met was my "gay husband" Michael. We were like Will & Grace - always together from that point on. I love him. Of course, we can't forget my big Sundance Crush, Hottie McHot Hot. Yummy delish.In addition to Michael and Vicki, we had a dear friend, Scott, who was also a fantastic guy. I can't imagine never meeting these people, never having the experiences and fun times we had. Our Sundance 2002 was something I'll never forget.

In the next few days, I'd like to look back at other special people who've touched my life while I've been here, but for today we'll just focus on the very first people and my Sundance days. The end.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the shout-out.

    Wait, is shout-out totally out, now? I can't keep up.

    Nice memories. I'm happy for you that you are moving where you will be happier......but I will miss you.

