Friday, June 11, 2010

Future World Cup Player?

Last week I had the chance to attend Little Miss Phoenix's soccer game. Between the quarters we decided to have a little photo session (because, let's face it, what's the fun of playing if you can't have everything documented?)However, my favorite part of the game came when Phoe was put in as the goalkeeper. I was able to get a few choice candid shots of Little Miss Distracted. Phoenix claims she's pulling up her shorts here, but I think we all know better than that.Apparently if you're not getting any action on your side of the field, dancing is in order.Always the motivated cheerleader, Phoe is thrilled her team scored a goal (although the game wasn't really scored, so I'm not sure what the point of it is).
Here's Phoe in action on the field, playing like a pro. You go, girl!

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