Friday, June 25, 2010

A Few More Days And I'll Be Unemployed...

My last week (well, half week) at work is going to be bittersweet to say the least. On the one hand, I'm so excited about my new adventure and what lies ahead of me. But on the other hand, I've made such wonderful friends here and I really did enjoy my time at the company. In fact, I thought I'd stay there forever. In addition to handling my normal work, before I leave I've got to train the new person who's taking my place and clean out my desk - which will be no small feat. After 8 1/2 years, one accumulates a lot of crap, er, stuff, and if my apartment is any indication, I tend to hold on to lots and lots of junk.
McH sent me this comic and although I don't quite feel this way towards my boss (because he's actually pretty cool), it cracked me up. I even blew it up for him and put it on his desk. :)

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