Thursday, June 24, 2010

Celebrity Wrap Up - Friday Edition

Hello and welcome to Friday's edition of Celebrity Wrap Up. I'm not sure Thandie Newton is aware there are things out there called IRONS. Look into it.
Somewhere out there, a Grandma is naked.Oh, Hansen. Wasn't the younger one always the cutest one? How is it that he's now the least desirable? Even the older one isn't hurting my eyes. Sadly, the same will never be said about the oldest Jonai. He's never going to grow into his fug.Oh, Jessica. You're so funny. Wearing a NKOTB shirt, when your ex-husband was in 98 degrees. Wow - that's really going to stick it to him after you've been divorced for 50 years. Yawn.Obviously Nicole Ritchie was a huge fan of the Karate Kid remake.

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