Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Celebrity FAIL: Adam Sandler / Chris Rock / Rob Schneider

Another cool thing I was able to do while in California was to attend the Jimmy Kimmel show. Well, actually, I should clarify - I wasn't really at the show...I was waiting outside for the guests to come arrive/leave so I could meet them. I know, fun, right? Granted, it got a little long waiting, but it was worth it for the following reasons: Clark Duke just happened to walk by as we were waiting. WIN.Colin Farrell was a guest on the same day as Bradley Cooper (who didn't come over to greet his adoring fans...FAIL). Colin not only came over for autographs and pictures when he arrived, he also came back as he was leaving. WIN.Kevin James was a surprise guest on Friday when I was waiting for Kathy Griffin (who didn't come over at all - FAIL). Kevin came over right away - WIN.And, yes, I am showing you my prized picture yet again. In fact, I think I'll find a reason to post it every day this week just to be super obnoxious. :) David Spade didn't come over when he arrived, but he did as he was leaving. WIN.Now, the show which David Spade was on also featured Chris Rock, Adam Sandler, and Rob Schneider. Guess what? All three were major FAILS. Chris Rock didn't come over at the beginning or the end. In fact, he didn't even wave. FAIL.Adam Sandler did wave when he arrived and left, but never once did he come over to greet his fans who'd been waiting for hours. FAIL. To be fair, Rob Schneider did come over (after we booed him) as he was leaving, but he only signed pictures. FAIL. He was wearing this awesome pink shirt, too. It would've been a GREAT pic!

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