Monday, June 28, 2010

Calling All Friends: HELP!!!

Thanks to my awesome family, the Pink Palace has been packed up and is ready to load into the truck. The next hurdle? The people left to pack up said truck are me (weakling with a lame arm) and my sister (who weighs under 100 pounds when she's wet). Tomorrow I pick up the truck and then THE FUN BEGINS!!! That's right - it's a moving party at the Pink Palace. Wanna come? You know you do. Hey, the more bodies we have moving things, the faster it'll go. The last time I moved we had a ton of help and got it all moved really quick - especially considering nothing was packed. Oops. Plus, this will give you a chance to bid Pinky Lovejoy adieu as she goes out into the big, crazy world. We'll be loading up on Tuesday and Wednesday before taking off on Thursday, so if you happen to be in the area, stop on by! Would love love love to see you (and, perhaps, put you to work a wee tiny bit). Wow, that was a shameless plug, huh? Well, desperate times call for desperate measures. :)

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