Thursday, June 17, 2010

After The Dance....

And now, boys and girls, we'll continue to story of How Did I Get Here? After the Dance edition. Enjoy.
After Sundance was over, I lived with Miss Vick for a few weeks while I decided what to do. Should I stay or should I go? The Olympics were going on and it was an exciting place to be. I ended up getting a job at what I called "Lame Job," but after day one I was like, "Oh, hell no." There was no way on earth I could do that full-time. Luckily I was then offered a job with the company I work for now and have been here ever since. I still worked part-time for Lame Job for another year or two....but that's another story....With a job, came a new place and I quickly found my very first apartment that I lived in all by myself. I'd had other places, of course, but I'd never lived alone. And, if you'll recall, all I had to my name were my clothes, some trinkets, and not much else. I had to get all my furniture, a mattress, etc. over time....One of the best things of being here for good was that I got to see my girls from BYU for our monthly Bunko night. As you can see, we had a blast. We were always laughing and having fun.I adore those girls. I miss our Bunko nights. They were always a great escape. One of the last outings I had with my Sundance friends was to a local gay bar called Zipperz where we sang karaoke. It was there that I first laid eyes on Brett (to the right up above) and developed a huge, pink crush on him (come on, he's pretty, femme - no offense, sweetie - and gay = my perfect man). He also sang every week, so I started going to watch him and in the process met my new posse.My gay husband, Michael, had gone back to San Francisco, so I had an opening for a new gay boyfriend. Enter Jamie (see above - he's in the middle). Jamie also frequented Zipperz and we soon became inseparable. I also got to know Brett and his boyfriend Jimmy (and my crush eventually went away) and as time went on we all got closer and closer.I also joined a group called Vernacular Vernacular and we performed at gay bars around town, as well as Pride-a-ho in Pocatello, Idaho (don't be jealous). Our group was so much fun - Brett and Jimmy were our "groupies" and came to every show. Oh, and no, I have no idea why I look like a drag queen in the picture above. It just worked out that way. The guy in the lower left corner is a boy - we called him Boy Chris.It was campy, ridiculous, and kept us laughing all night long. We were usually only paid in alcohol, so a few of those nights.....well, let's just say I don't remember all too well and leave it at that.When we weren't performing, we were singing karaoke several nights a week with "the gang."On weekends, we'd go dancing at the gay bars. It was a whirlwind of activity - and it seemed to go by in an instant. I miss those days. I miss my boys. Karaoke will never be the same without them.
And this concludes today's story....tune in tomorrow for more exciting adventures of Life in the SLC.

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