Tuesday, May 4, 2010

You Bake Cookies Where?

On my way home from work yesterday I decided to stop by Papa Murphy's and claim my free birthday cookie dough! Yum! Behold its glory:
The problem, of course, is that I fear it'll be consumed completely raw as my oven is currently used as alternate storage:
Do people actually use these to cook? And, yes, I did melt the plastic collander all over the place (in case you were wondering).
Speaking of cooking, Heidi and I decided to use up a gift card I received and dine at Market Street Grill for dinner. Yum. The salad might've been our favorite part, although my prime rib did come with some ice cream for dessert. Yummers. After dinner we decided to test out my photo booth app. Don't be jealous that we're supermodels: Attempt One: This was the only redeemable photo and Heidi hates it (sorry, Heidels).Attempt Two: Could I have a bigger tongue please? WTF?!Attempts Three and Four: I love how we try to look "sultry," but really we just look pissed off. In the last attempt, I think Heidels looks exactly like Ingrid Michaelson in the second frame. Obviously, we still need practice to get the hang of this app. Baby steps, right?

1 comment:

Heidi said...

For all the food I ate at dinner you think i'd look less anarexic haha. Ymmy dinner! Great friend! Thanks again! :)