Thursday, May 20, 2010

Why Does Victoria's Secret Hate Me?

I'm starting to wonder if someone who hates me works for Victoria's Secret? I mean, what other explanation could there be for the store to have an entire link called PINK, yet all of the clothes could fit on my big toe. It's torture to walk into that store and see all the beautiful pink things, pink sayings (such as I Love PINK, University of Pink, Peace Love Pink), and cute pink outfits. What did I ever do to piss them off? Why do they only make these clothes for people who haven't eaten a solid meal in ten years? Why don't they make pink things for big girls? Don't they know how much money they'd make (from me alone?!!?). Meanwhile, I'm relegated to buy anything and everything I can which says pink and is something I could use (like a water bottle, towel, lotion, perfume or tank top that I wear to bed). Miraculously I did find a jacket there last week which says Pink on the back. Of course, everyone thinks I made it (which is sweet, but my craft skills aren't that amazing). It looks like this jacket above, but instead of just the heart it says pink. I know. Awesome, right? I love it. Now they just need to expand and make other stuff for real people.

Is there someone I can talk to about this? Because I'm really starting to get suspicious that it's a plot against me. Look at the picture above - she's not only wearing the beloved pink gear, but she's kissing a FLAMINGO. Hello, if that's not directed towards me I don't know what is. Torture, I tell you. Sheer and total torture. Whatever I've done to piss you off, Victoria, please accept my heartfelt apology and make bigger clothes. Thankyouverymuch.

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