Friday, May 7, 2010

There's No Hitting At Cindy Ree's

Last night I met up with McFamily and Ruthie's at our old haunt, Cindy Ree's. At one point McP decided that hitting the table over and over to get what she wanted was a good idea and promptly went to Time Out in the corner. Later on when we were leaving, she asked McH if she had to be in Time Out again (as they were walking by the Time Out corner) and McH said no because she hadn't done anything wrong. McP immediately ran right over to the table and started hitting it again. Doesn't she know there's no hitting in Cindy Ree's?McI was, obviously, SHOCKED by her behavior. But McP insisted that she was a sweet and innocent angel (look at that face - how could she not be?)McI decided to one-up McP by doing his "Blue Steel" pose from Zoolander. Yep, he's doing it right.
Finally, McP decided she'd show her baby brother how pictures were done and went on to pose like the supermodel that she is. Love those kids. :)

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