Tuesday, May 18, 2010

An Open Letter To My Allergies

Dear Adult On-Set Allergies, In case you didn't know, I hate you. While I'm happy to have had thirty plus years in peace and quiet without a hint of an allergy, I'm not sure why one day you decided to show up and ruin my life. No one wants you around. You make me congested, wheezy, grumpy, and tired. I can't even think because my brain is filled with your gunk. Sadly, I have no idea what I'm allergic to exactly, all I know is that I'm affected by every season change, climate change, and demographic change. One day in a new place and I'm down for the count. What is that about? Why do you derive joy from my pain? Why are you impervious to my allergy pills, saline rinse, and sheer positive thoughts to flee? I realize you affect millions and millions of people, but I don't know why I need to be one of them. I was fine without you hanging around making me crazy (er....crazier, that is). Can't you take a hint and hit the road? Seriously, it's been long enough. I'm done with you now. Beat it. Your forever enemy, Pinky Lovejoy

1 comment:

  1. Man, I am so with you on this one. Pretty soon I'll be living in a bubble or something.
