Thursday, May 20, 2010

Oh, Honey, No

We interrupt the post I was originally going to write in order to send out this warning to girls the world over: If you're wearing a sweater and you might have a little extra cush on your tush (or stomach), DO NOT button one button and nothing else. It isn't doing you any favors. It looks like the button is trying to make a break for it and it's probably the most unflattering thing I've ever seen anyone wear. And that's saying a lot. I'm sure this is the intended look when buttoning only one button, but this tree-loving-girl can pull it off. Nothing awkward about that look (aside from it being a big snooze fest).
However, this is more like what it looks like: See the little tummy sticking out? Obviously she's a child and can therefore get away with this, but adults can't. It's not right and it's giving my eyes herpes.
OK, now that that rant is over....on to more exciting things. I was still thinking about my BFF last night and what reminds me of him. Oh, gee, I wonder - my desk is filled with snow globes he brought me from all over the world. I love snow globes. Half of my entire collection is from him. Fail.
I've been on a bit of an Amazon kick this week, trying to spend my birthday money as fast as I can (lest I have to use it for something boring like tires or the doctor. Blech). This is the necklace which came in the mail yesterday. I know, it's gorgeous. Triple love it.

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