Friday, May 7, 2010

Mickey Rourke Leads By Example

Once again, E online has narrowed down the results for "Hollywood's Last Real Man." Um, aren't these new people? How did Zac Efron make the cut? Is he even legal? And Javier Bardem? Really? Let's just pick George, Denzel, Leo, or Johnny and be done with it already. If they'd really like to have an interesting conversation/lesson, they should take these Hollywood pretty boys and show them the before and after photos of Mickey Rourke. I'm not sure if you remember, but he actually used to be kinda hot. Behold:How did this fresh faced, sexy star of 9 1/2 Weeks turn into The Beast?This is why plastic surgery is bad. This is why we should be happy with what we've been given. Mickey got greedy, obviously. And now he'll live out the rest of his days trying to one-up Kenny Rogers in the plastic surgery department. Sad.

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