Saturday, May 15, 2010

Living Canvas Tattoo Parlor = FAIL

Congratulations going out to the Living Canvas Tatto Parlor for being the one-two crappy punch on my birthday. When I got my new Hello Kitty tattoo a few weeks back, I discussed my next tattoo with the artist who I had a feeling wasn't listening to what I actually wanted. This fear was confirmed when I went in on my birthday and was greeted by his drawing of nothing we'd talked about. After forty-five minutes, we finally had what I wanted, but then he decided to practically double the price. Um, no. Just because he didn't listen to me in the first place doesn't mean I have to suffer and pay that much more (when the changes weren't that severe nor should they be any more work). He suggested we reschedule and I said, "No. I'll be going somewhere else. Thank for doing this really crappy thing on my birthday." And, scene. From there I went to Wal-mart to pick up some t.p., kleenex, and a blow-up mattress for my company and had a small disaster in my brand new shoes. Apparently new shoes + slippery waxy Wal-mart floor = BIG FALL. Sadly this drawing is pretty much what happened, except that in the brief time before I started falling and actually fell, I thought I could prevent said accident by somehow running forward. I probably ran, oh, twenty steps before I then spectacularly fell across the floor with my items going splat all over the floor. Yes, very graceful. All around birthday fail. Stupid tattoo parlor. P.S. I hate you.

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