Sunday, May 9, 2010

Letters to Juliet

I've been wanting to see Letters to Juliet since it I first saw the trailer and was lucky enough to see a pre-screening of the movie today. The movie stars Amanda Seyfried, Vanessa Redgrave (amazing!), Gael Garcia Bernal, and some hottie who looks like a prettier version of Ryan Phillipe. It's a beautiful story about a woman who goes searching for her lost love from 50 years ago. Of course, it didn't hurt that it was set in Italy - how would I ever not enjoy that? This movie was fairly predictable (as most romantic comedies are), but it was also sweet and completely endearing. I haven't cried in a movie in a long time and was more than happy to cry in one today. My only complaint would be the under-developed character of Gael Garcia Bernal. Usually they'll make the guy-who-will-be-dumped somewhat interesting, but I couldn't understand why she'd be with him in the first place. He wasn't mean, he just wasn't really anything (except for hot). The movie is released in theaters next week - check it out if you get the chance.

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