Thursday, May 6, 2010

I Should Really Be Locked Up

Once again, I've proven that I cannot be trusted in a craft store. I don't know what it is, but any craft store (especially one like Joann's which was having a huge sale) is like crack to me. I went there yesterday to buy TWO things and left with, well, let's just say more than that (but they were on sale!). I'm starting to think I should make a WANTED poster to put in the window of every craft store within a 20 mile radius so that they won't even let me inside. Perhaps that would work? Or is there some sort of craft buying jail I can put myself in? I've already got an entire craft store in the Pink Palace - all things that seemed like brilliant ideas at the time, but have pretty much been sitting there for countless years on end. Glue guns, jewelry making supplies, a pottery wheel, paint, canvas, a sewing machine, and an array of papers, stamps, and wood projects are just a few things waiting to be played with in my house. Obviously I've got a serious problem. Crafters Anonymous, here I come.

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