Thursday, May 13, 2010

Hello Kitty City

Well, Happy Hello Kitty day to me! How freaking cute are these balloons (thanks, Ang) and this purse (thanks, girls)? LOVE THEM!!! So far I've received pink lotion, the movie Leap Year, two pink purses, some candles, rubbers stamps/ink, a cute flamingo magnet, money, and countless greetings and well wishes. I feel very loved and incredibly lucky. Here's what I don't understand....if you're wishing someone a greeting and you're both on Facebook, why wouldn't you write it on their wall? I don't want a private note saying something cool...I want it broadcast to the world! Take your texts and your voicemails and your emails and PUT THEM ON MY WALL. Is that so hard? Really....I think it should be some sort of rule. No, I don't know why FB messages make me so happy, but they really, really do. Life is just better on Facebook. :) LOL.

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