Saturday, May 8, 2010

Happy Mother's Day

In honor of Mother's Day, I wanted to send out a very special to one of my very best friends, my wonderful mother. There's no one else on earth I would want as my mother (and probably no one else could be as loving, patient, and understanding as she's always been) and I'm so happy that she's always been a good friend to me as much as my mom. I love you, Mom! Happy Mother's Day! Wish you were here.
These Cathy comics have been cracking me up all week - especially because they're all a little too true. I've selected a few of my favorites to accompany some of the fun pictures I found of me and my mom through the years. Here's one of us on my first Christmas - are we both dressed in pink?
I love this picture of my mom and her dad, "Pop" holding the two babies - my mom is holding me and Pop is holding my cousin, Netty.My mom always made our birthdays (and most days) very special. This was at my 8th birthday - I'm the one with the party hat on - like the Dorothy Hamill haircut?I'm sure you'll be surprised to see that my sister and I were dressed alike in this family picture. Oh, wait. We were always dressed alike. I forgot.Wow - I am hot stuff in this picture. Is that a mullet? Are you jealous of my rocking shorts? I know, they're awesome. We were at Disneyland with my mom's friend from high school.
Last but not least, here's a picture from my trip to Iowa at New Year's. I miss you, Mom! And to all my wonderful friends out there - I hope you have a Mother's Day just as special as you are. Smooches!

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