Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Happy Birthday Week To Me

Yesterday kicked off my big birthday week (yes, that's right, my birthday may be celebrated all week, or all month if you'd like) and I came home to a package from Crusty. I'd like to tell you that I'm a sweet and patient girl who didn't already rip into the package....but that would be a lie. Come on, who are we kidding? I have zero patience...if a present shows up, I'm opening it. Plain and simple. Big thanks to Crusty for the super cute hat, yummy cookies (chocolate covered sugar cookies....nom nom nom), and bath stuff. Love it! I'm trying to get my expectations in line. As much as I love my mom for making a huge deal out of birthdays my entire life, on the flip side I probably make too big of a deal about the whole thing. It's just a day. It's not a national holiday (although it should be...how do I get that changed??). It's just a normal day. Like any other. No big deal, right? With both of my parents gone this year I suppose I'm a little melancholy to not have any family here. One of my good friends from home texted me yesterday and offered to come...but, as much as I love this friend, she's a bit (read: a lot) flaky. If I had a dollar for every time she promised to visit, I'd be loaded. So, I'm not getting my hopes up (even if it would be super fun). It's just a day. It's just a day. It's just a day. See, it's working already. Well, not really, but positive thinking will help, right? :)

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