Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Growing Up Pink

In honor of the biggest pink holiday of the year tomorrow (aside from Valentine's Day, that is), I thought we'd take a quick look back at the development of Pinky Lovejoy - including past birthday parties and some fun pics. You know you're excited.Ah, yes. A wee little pink. Something was obviously making me laugh. I think we've seen this one before, but no matter. Forget toys, apparently I'm easily entertained - just give me some cellophane and I'm good to go.What a cute pink dress! Obviously I'm thrilled to be wearing the color.How cute and shy was I? Come on, have you ever seen anything so sweet and innocent? Stop laughing.Now we get into the good stuff. Here I am at preschool celebrating my 5th birthday. It should be noted I had a crown like that every year (compliments of my mom, who is the queen of all birthday crowns). Um, here's a question: Why does the person next to me have the pink one? That one should be mine!First school picture - kindergarten 1978. Like the schoolhouse on my dress? Don't be jealous.I have no idea which birthday this was, but I do remember being separated into groups so that we could do various activities. Look at cute little Paulie on my mom's lap and my sister far to the right in the light blue dress. This might surprise you, but I was wearing the exact same one. First grade when I was "Friend of the Week." My mom taught me to go up to everyone and say, "Can we be friends?" and they'd say yes (usually) and then I'd walk away. Apparently I wasn't so good at the upkeep of said friends, only the acquisition of them.Same year - first grade picture. Was my dress from Little House on the Prairie?No idea what birthday this was - 6 or 7 maybe? Man, what a blow-out. Aside from myself, I count 16 kids. Was I some sort of rock star?Same birthday. Another dress (surprising - I don't think I've worn pants yet in any of these pictures. I guess some things never change). That girl behind me seems a little too interested in my loot. Back off, girlie! Mine!Now, I do remember this birthday, because I was 8 (or 9 - OK, so I don't remember) and I think it was my first slumber party. Also, it was after my mom cut off our hair, which happened around age 7 1/2 (she got mad because my sister and I stuck our heads out the window and got our hair all tangled. I made my sister go first - it was supposed to be the Dorothy Hamill cut. Ugh. We looked like boys). Look at my brother's face next to me or my sister sucking her thumb. I think my facial expression lets you know how I felt about this retarded homemade apron as a gift. Come on, did I really need an apron? Nope.Ah, the fantastic Chuck E. Cheese birthday party. What childhood would be the same without it? Nice superman shirt and hair accessory. Oh, I'm also rocking a pink corsage if you look close. That's how I roll.This actually might be my sister's birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese because those seem to be her friends, but it was still a party and apparently I was LOVING the pizza. Also of note: I'm wearing pants. Do I have a mullet?This was my 11th or 12th birthday party and (obviously) it was another slumber party. I was rocking a lifesaver's sleeping bag - complete with aluminum foil ends. Yep, I was cool. What can I say? I'm fairly certain my mom took us out toiletpapering because, well, we ALWAYS went toiletpapering. When are bunny ears going out of style?The morning after the slumber party, apparently I wanted to put on a fashion show. The girl behind me (Bubba) and her sister used to hand us down their clothes and this was one of the dresses. Fancy, huh? I think it's my Ogilvie home perm that puts this picture over the top.Apparently my friend Amy wanted to join in the fashion show. Don't you know putting your hair up like that makes you a star?
Now, we could reminisce with some awkward photos from those lovely in-between gawky years, but let's just stick to what we have. This last picture is from my 17th birthday - like my pink car filled up with pink balloons? These are still some of my closest friends. :)
And that concludes today's walk down memory lane. And, scene.

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