Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Girl's Night Out

Last night I met up with the girls for a belated birthday dinner for me and an early one for Tracie. We went to the Spaghetti Factory - yum! Unfortunately, I had to kinda rush because I wanted to go see Jim Breuer perform at Wiseguys, but the girls were good sports about it (sorry to rush off, girls!). Look at the super cute presents:True confession time: When Inge gave me the Hello Kitty electric toothbrush, I *might* have squealed a little bit. I was more amped up than a five-year-old on Christmas. Seriously, I'm 37...why must I act like a child? Thanks to the girls for a fun night out. Always great to see you! :)


  1. It was a great evening. And thanks for the yummy smelling lotion! We'll have to get together again soon!

  2. I'm glad you're happy with my small gift and it made you "squealed a little bit". Happy birthday!
