Saturday, May 15, 2010

The Gang's All Here

Big thanks for Vicki for helping me find a way to rescue the pictures from my camera and get them onto my computer. We stopped at Wally World on the way home from Idaho today (where we went to make a lottery ticket run) and picked up a super cool card reader. Now I can finally share my birthday fun with you. I know you're excited!
On Thursday I had an extra long yummy lunch at Olive Garden with a few of my favorite people. After lunch I headed to the tattoo parlor and then Wal-mart....but we've already covered that.
I somehow regained my composure after the fall and went to pick up Julie at the airport. In related news....She came! She came! We then headed over to Cindy Ree's and had a delighful dinner with Ruthie and McFamily. I know we've seen a picture of the amazing birthday cake before, but it's still so fun to look at. So creative! So cool!
Isn't McI getting so big? He's just the cutest thing with those big eyes and chubby cheeks.
Little McP decided to pick out a nice pair of her mommy's heels to wear....nevermind that they didn't match. She walked from her house to the restaurant in them and was, obviously, quite proud. She's killing me with that little pose.
Apparently all the excitement wore out McI....don't worry, little man, I can relate! Thank you so much to all my wonderful friends for making my birthday so very special. I love you all so much!

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