Thursday, May 20, 2010

Facebook + Birthdays = Awesome

What did we ever do before Facebook? I mean, how would one remember a birthday (aside from those birthday calendars, or actually writing a date down?). Being on Facebook on your birthday makes you feel like a rockstar. It's awesome - all these people celebrating the day you were born. It's the way it should be! :) Speaking of birthdays, my friend and I are having a debate over a traditional birthday call. I happen to think if someone calls you for your birthday and leaves a message, that is the end of the transaction. No return call is necessary because all the person was doing was wishing you a happy birthday. My friend, however, feels like she has to call every person back. Forget that. If I don't regularly speak to that person, I'm sure as hell not going to spend Pink Day on the phone all day with some long lost acquaintance. I've got minutes to think about (wow, that sounded terrible; I apologize). My point is: No return call necessary. Who's with me on this?
Did you know that they're reporting one out of four marriages ending in divorce list Facebook as one of the reasons why they're divorcing? Um, what? It must be that whole "grass is greener" thing - people reminiscing about past loves from kindergarten (not that I'd ever do something like that - *cough cough*). Weird.

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