Thursday, May 6, 2010

Everyone's Mexican On Cinco De Mayo

Last night my friend Vicki asked me to photograph a Cinco de Mayo benefit she was putting on. The original thought was that we'd have people pose with this Frida Kahlo lookalike, but we didn't realize she was 100 if she was a day. Bless her heart. The event was held in this really cool warehouse and had an open bar (hello, Sangria) and a Mexican dinner (0f course). The best part was the beer ponchos they had (mini ponchos that are put on the beer as you drink it) - what a funny idea! Cinco de Mayo is a strange holiday to me. I had to run to the liquor store because the event ran out of tequila and I've never seen so many people buying tequila in my life. Note: none of them were actually Mexican. Why do we enjoy this day so much? Is it just an excuse to drink? The red-haired girl working the door with me last night kept saying "Happy Cinco de Mayo!" to everyone who walked in (again, no Mexicans). I don't think I could even say that with a straight face. How did a victory for the Mexican army against the French troops a million years ago turn into Drinko de Mayo? Don't get me wrong, I think it's good fun. I just don't really understand how this has become so widespread. I mean, we don't do anything special for Martin Luther King day, do we? Well, aside from getting a day off. Oh, wait. That's better. Nevermind. I was finally able to meet Vicki's boyfriend, Tony - aren't they adorable? Vicki and I worked at Sundance together a million years ago. It was fun to hang out at the event with her.

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