Friday, May 21, 2010

Did You Hear Lost Is Ending Tomorrow?

I'd like to publicly decree that anyone who mentions that the Lost finale is happening tomorrow as their status update needs to be removed (or hidden) from my Facebook friends feed because obviously they think the rest of the world is an idiot. I mean, how long have they been advertising the finale? That's right. Three years. Yeah, we get it. The show ends tomorrow. Five hours will be dedicated to saying good-bye and still all the answers aren't going to be revealed. Awesome. Now, don't get me wrong. I love Lost and am just as excited about the finale as any other Lostie out there. It took me awhile to get into it (as I resisted watching it the first season and then caved and watched the DVDs and got hooked), but once I was in, I was in, despite the time travel and plot twists and deaths. I hung in there and waited until it was good again. Now that it's ending it's a little bittersweet, as it really was a good mind bending show. Let's hope they reveal at least a little bit of anything that makes sense as the ending so that we can finally see what it was all about (and let's hope it's not the "Hokey Pokey"). I'd appreciate that.

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