Hello and welcome to Friday's edition of Celebrity Wrap Up.

Is there anything hotter than Ben Affleck? Oh, yeah, that's right - Ben holding his daughter. *Swoon.* I wonder if he'd like to father my children as well? Ben, just so you know, this is an offer that will never expire. I'm just saying.

Now that people are on the recycling kick, I wondered what was going to happen to all those brown paper bags in the supermarket. It looks like one of them found a home.

I LOVE LOVE LOVE the colors of this dress, but why is it cut like that? Why do we need to see so much leg? And why does Elizabeth Banks always look so smug? She bugs me to no end.

Speaking of oddly cut dresses, is Michelle Rodriguez wearing a cape, a veil, or an unmade bow?
Despite my mad crafting skills, if I were to make a dress, I'm afraid it would look like what Michelle Williams is wearing - a sheet held together with some string. Sewing is definitely not my strong point. But Ryan Gosling in a tux? Yes, please.
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