Thursday, May 13, 2010

Celebrity Wrap Up - Birthday Edition

In honor of Pink Day today, I thought we'd hear birthday shout outs from a few of my favorite men. Bradley Cooper sent me a text this morning that said: "Pinky, you are my everything. If I'm ever hungover, I want you to be my nurse." Thanks, Bradley babe! (hey, I didn't promise they'd all be clever....but it's the thought that counts, right?)
Nick Rhodes called me this morning to wish me the very best day and begged me to go to Rio with him.Ricky Schroder wrote on my FB wall (in my dreams) and said that all the silver spoons in the world would never hold a candle to my brilliance. Ryan Gosling told me if I were a bird, he was a bird, and then tried to take me on some boat. Regardless, he's still dreamy.
Patrick Dempsey, aka McDreamy, wanted to marry me on a post-it note, but I told him I was already involved with four other hot men (see said men above). I guess we could all share.

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