Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The Birthday Month Continues....

Lest you thought my birthday festivities had ended, you are sorely mistaken. It's May, for goodness sakes, which means it's my birthday month and should therefore be celebrated at any and all possible times. In the past few days I received some more cute presents and have two birthday dinners planned this week - one tonight with the girls and one on Thursday with Shmegan. I'm excited! :) Speaking of birthdays, today is the birthday of my super cute friend, Corrine. Happy birthday, Miss Corrine! Have a fantabulous day. :)

1 comment:

  1. Ahem! Lest you forget...you share a birthday with E.T. Benson. There is no higher "holier than thou" than the erstwhile profit, seer and revelator. Bow your head and say a little prayer 'stead of reveling in your abominations!
