Friday, May 21, 2010

Awkward Family Photos of the Week

Here's a fresh batch of Awkward Family Photos to add a little humor to the day. It's almost as if you could hear them say in unison, "Here, little girl. Would you like a piece of candy?" Obviously, the dad in this family (let's hope he was the dad and not some wanderer off the street) wasn't a big fan of the matching PJ's - but couldn't he have put on, oh, another type of shirt? Would that have been so hard?Wow. What a couple of white hot studs. Mullet Boy appears to be drinking a brewski. Shame, shame. I wonder what their dates looked like? Did they have matching red hair and a mullet?Introducing Alien Bride. She may look freaky, but imagine what she'll do in the bedroom.
I think her face says it all: "What the hell? How did I get here? Whose kids are these? What's my name again?"

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