Tuesday, May 25, 2010

And The Award Goes To....

Today I thought we'd have another round of an awards ceremony, as there are far too many things we need to discuss. And now I present the winners.... Congratulations to Kristin Davis for The Wonkiest Smile On The Red Carpet. Seriously, what is that face you're making?
Today's Biggest Douchebag award is presented to Joe Jonas (arguably the best looking one of The Jonai - although that's really not saying much. When they were born, the doctor slapped their mother). We've all heard how he dumped Taylor Swift by way of a twenty second phone call, which is already douche-y. Imagine my surprise to learn that he trumped himself in the sucky break-up category by having HIS FATHER call Demi Lovato and inform her that their relationship was over. That's rough. He should come with a warning sticker that in order to avoid pain and shame, never, ever get involved with a Jonai.
Edie Falco, I love ya, but I'm afraid you're winning the Never Go In Public Like That Again award. Seriously. Your face is giving me nightmares.
Congratulations going out to the unknown idiot who wins the White Trash award for displaying this sticker on the back of their car. For the life of me I cannot fathom why anyone would put an I love Strippers sticker on their car? Are they trying to beat Joe Jonas for Biggest Douchebag?
Last by not least, the award for Lowest Moment In Your Career is presented to Kim Cattrall for having to wear matching outfits with Miley Cyrus. That's a pretty big honor, considering she once played a mannequin that came to life.

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