Wednesday, May 5, 2010

+2 - 1 = Pretty Good Tuesday Viewing

Last night I decided to try to watch all three of my latest Netflix films before the "good TV" came on. The first thing I *attempted* to watch (she says, head hanging apologetically) was Dance Flick. I have no idea why I thought I could sit through something so so so so so awful. What is happening to the Wayans Brothers? Weren't they at least midly entertaining?Next on the list was American Virgin, which I put in my queue as an homage to the hilarious Rob Schneider who'll be coming to SLC in a few weeks. Surprisingly, this was a lot better than I expected. True, it's not going to win any awards, but overall I didn't hate it and was mildly entertained.Finally, I saw the real gem in my viewing trio - The September Issue, which was a documentary about Anna Wintour and Vogue. I've never really been a Vogue follower, but I was completely enthralled in the background antics that go on when creating the monthly magazine. Anna Wintour was amazing to watch. The only thing that distracted me?This horrid lady. Ugh. I can't even look at her without wanting to stab out my eyes. And (she claims) she used to be a model (?!?!?!?!). Granted, her photographs are amazing and she was interesting to listen to, I just never wanted to look at her make-up free pale face ever again.Once the films were over, I settlee in for Glee (as I had to tape Lost and watch it later - I know, I know, people die. Boo.). My thoughts on last night's episode of Glee? Meh. It was kind of a snoozefest. Now, there were some redeeming parts (the impromptu performance in the library, Olivia-Newton John's video with Sue, and Sue talking with her sister at the end), but other than that....snore. I don't even mind saying it: I'm quite sick of Rachel.
I didn't even hear Santana or Britney have any humdingers (except for Britney getting lost and unable to find her way out of the rehearsal room). Why was Molly Shannon even on? She didn't really add anything to the show, which was surprising. They should've utilized her more. Oh, well. I'm sure they'll get better, right? Right. Onward and upward. And, scene.

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