Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Will Schuester, I Hate You

How brilliant was the Madonna-themed Glee episode last night? I triple loved it. I've been hearing nothing but good things about it since it was filmed and it definitely didn't disappoint (with the tiny complaint that they need to have people sing other than Rachel and Finn - I'm just saying). Sue Sylvester in a word? Amazeballs. Brilliant. Hysterical (OK, so maybe I used a few words). Her "Vogue" video was so great. And every single joke about Will's hair made me laugh. They never get old. Even cooler? The Glee app on iTunes for my iPhone. Hello, you can sing karaoke songs with it. Did you hear me? KARAOKE ON MY IPHONE!!! I can't even stand it. You can even record your songs (and with that, Brett is running down to the Apple store faster than the speed of light). Instant classic!

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