Thursday, April 8, 2010

What's Happening Hot Stuff?

After dinner last night I headed over to Debra's house for a surprise visit. My original intention was to only stay a brief time....but that didn't seem to happen. Flash forward to four and a half hours later and I'm barely getting on the road to drive home. Oh, well. It was worth it. So, the kids and I were playing with these glasses (pictured below) and I put them on and said (in my very best Long Duck Dong impression), "What's happening, hot stuff?" For some reason, Nyah and Connor thought that was the funniest thing ever and I had to do it about 436 more times. It was a blast. Of course, having Nyah tell me I was her very best friend in the whole world wasn't too shabby either. She's so cute. She came up to tell me a secret and said, "I love you." Heartstrings melted.Of course, we got Jamie laughing a lot, too, but only after he succeeded in nailing my face with a toy. OUCH. Fat lip city. Luckily it's looking a lot better today. Kinda rough getting beat up by a one-year-old.

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