Sunday, April 4, 2010

Was He a Ninja??

So, I'm at dinner with Heidi on Friday night and I'd parked at a meter. Sure, I didn't put quite enough money in, but I would've only been ten minutes short at 6 p.m. on a Friday night. As we watched the parking cop pass by around 5:30, I thought we were in the clear (plus, we were sitting by the window of the restaurant so we could see if the cop came back). Flash forward to the end of our meal and there's a ticket on my car!!! A ticket!!! WTF??!?!?! Was the parking attendant a ninja?! How did they escape my eyes which were permanently affixed to my car? I don't understand. Stupid ninja.

1 comment:

Tracie said...

Remind me to tell you about the ticket I got last week at a non-working meter...