Monday, April 5, 2010

The Song Remembers When

Last night my senses were attacked in the worst way possible - by the sneak attack, never-see-it-coming dreaded "song" from days gone by. Now, I realize in most cases I'm an open book and game to talk about anything and anyone, especially the myriad of men (ahem, boys) who've crossed the pink path once upon a time. But there are a few - two, to be exact - that I will never, ever talk about. I just don't. Not to sound like a drama queen (who, me?), but the pain was too excruciating for my little pink heart and to tell you the truth, the bits of my heart I gave away to these two I'll never get back. That being said, there is only one thing that brings them back to my mind (as I really won't even let myself think about them) - our "song." Each one had a cheesy, gooey love song with me that was "our song" and just when I think I've successfully put these particular heartbreaks out of my mind, one of the songs will come on the radio. On the radio! Heaven knows I won't keep those songs in my possession - but both are SO old there's no reason they should be playing on any sort of radio station. Stupid songs. Stupid radio. How is it that one song can transport a person so entirely to another place and time? I'd say it's almost magical, but that's just being even more dramatic. And who needs that, right? :)

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