Friday, April 2, 2010


Applause, applause for our local comedy club, Wiseguys. Not only did they bring in the hysterical and funny Norm MacDonald and Kevin Nealon last year, but they've got two other big SNL stars coming to town soon. And we all know there's nothing I love more than an SNL castmember. First on the list? Rob Schneider comes to SLC in May. Or, as I like to call him, the Copy Guy. Remember that skit? Randy. Rand-a-rino. The Randman. My dorm room in college was decorated with SNL posters - the Copy Guy included. Don't judge me. After Rob, Jon Lovitz is now scheduled to appear in June. Of course, I haven't really heard good things about Jon, but no matter. I'm sure I can wear him down enough to take a picture with me. Hell, I know where they stay. I'll go sit in the lobby and wait. Oops, did I say that out loud? Did I just reveal too much? Blurgh.In other exciting news, I can't wait to watch the movie New York, I Love You. It's coming from Netflix and it's going to be great. How could it not be with a fantastic cast and 20 various love stories? Plus, I loved its predecessor, Paris Jet'aime.It's a good thing I've got movies to watch this weekend because I'll be trapped in my apartment all day every day due to the dreaded General Conference (dreaded for me because I can't leave my apartment due to traffic and no parking spots). I better stock up for winter.
Of course, I could probably fill my time cleaning my apartment, but we all know how that chore will go. It won't. I'm still waiting for the cleaning fairy to come and wipe/wash/sweep/vacuum/scrub all my troubles away.

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