Friday, April 23, 2010

Pinky's Fandance - Rising Star Edition

As we discussed the other day, meeting up-and-coming celebrities at Sundance is one of my favorite things (especially since you never know what they could end up doing in the future or how big they might be).
Imagine my surprise to see a few blog posts yesterday about a hottie I met this year - Shiloh Fernandez. I'd never heard of him before we met, but he had a film at Sundance called Skateland and according to, he's been on a ton of TV shows.He was adorable in person, although he didn't know why I'd want a picture of him. I told him that even if he wasn't in a film, I'd want a picture with him because he's so hot. Yes, I know, I've got mad skills. :) I love when they're in the newly-discovered-happy-to-take-pictures phase, because once they cross over to The Dark Side (I'm looking at you Tommy Lee Jones, Samuel L. Jackson, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Kelly Clarkson, Amanda Peet, Marisa Tomei, Jonah Hill, and Kirsten Dunst) there's no turning back.

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